It’s Southeastern Wisconsin.


We don’t have any mountains, but we’ve got guts; we don’t send the 5.13’s in our neighbors driveways, we SHOVEL our neighbors’ driveways; and we aren't “climbing-hippies”, we’re tough as nails farmers, machinists, and tradesmen.


However, we sure love to climb, and no lack of topography is going to stop that.


That’s why we built the area’s first and only bouldering gym- to show that guts often translate into fitness, good sends are built alongside other folks in your climbing community, and the grit driven into us by our circumstances makes us pretty tough climbers.


Climb @ the Loop is a high-level bouldering gym in the heart of downtown Burlington, WI, equipped with beautifully-set problems, ready to test the skilled and unskilled climbers of the area alike, and set up to help you hit all of your fitness goals in a pretty adventurous way.


Come check us out, and be surprised at what our little midwestern town can offer!